Cave Troll's Hammer (1R166) is a
Moria Possession from the Fellowship of the Ring set.
DE - German
Card Name
Hammer des Höhlentrolls
Game Text
Muss auf den Höhlentroll von Moria gespielt werden. Der Höhlentroll von Moria erhält Schaden +1.
Plötzlich zerbarst die Tür in 1000 Splitter und der Höhlentroll stürmte herein, und die Schläge seines Hammers hallten wie Donner.
ES - Spanish
Card Name
El Martillo del Troll de Las Cuevas
Game Text
El portador debe ser el Troll de las Cuevas. El Troll de las Cuevas es Daño +1.
De repente la puerta estallo en pedazos y el Troll de las Cuevas estaba entre ellos, su enorme martillo golpeando como el trueno.
FR - French
Card Name
Marteau du Troll des Cavernes
Game Text
Le détenteur doit être le Troll des Cavernes. Le Troll des Cavernes inflige des dégâts +1.
Brusquement la porte vola en éclats et le Troll des Cavernes fut parmi eux, son énorme marteau frappant comme le tonnerre.
IT - Italian
Card Name
Martello del Troll delle Caverne
Game Text
Il possessore deve essere il Troll delle Caverne. Danno +1.
Improvvisamente la porta finì in frantumi e il Troll delle Caverne fu tra loro, il suo enorme martello che colpiva come il tuono.
PL - Polish
PT - Portuguese
ZH - Chinese
Technical Info
Wiki Base Card ID
46 2E F4
Cave Troll's Hammer is a difficult weapon to get on the table, as it can only be born by the highly expensive Cave Troll, however it is a very powerful weapon. The extra strength bonus (Particularly when combined with Cave Troll's Chain or Dark Places) makes the Troll able to overwhelm all but the strongest companions, while the damage bonus allows him to immediately kill a 3-vitality companion, even if he's not overwhelming them. It does however struggle a bit with cards like Armor and Gimli's Helm, so it may be advisabe to pack some armor removable if you're fond of this weapon (Although goblins aren't very good at this, Whip of Many Thongs is an option, or you may have to splash another culture, such as the [Isengard] Beyond the Height of Men). Bear in mind however that the Troll may still overwhelm characters like Gimli, even if he does have his helm.
Cave Troll's Hammer is also less difficult than most unique weapons to play because it can be played using Relics of Moria, makes twilight with Goblin Armory and can be protected by Plundered Armories.
Strengths and Weaknesses[edit]
Strong Versus...[edit]
- 3 Vitality Companions
- Weak Companions
- Eomer, Third Marshal of Riddermark
Weak Versus...[edit]
- Armor/Gimli's Helm
- Possession discard (E.g. Roll of Thunder), unless you have Plundered Armories in play
- Disarmed (Plundered Armories can't protect this weapon from that card)
- Skirmish Cancelling (E.g. Filibert Bolger)
Alternate Versions[edit]